Buffer Social Media Platform
From article releases to photo reports, everything is planned through the Buffer platform. When an article is published on the Attractions Magazine website we use Buffer to post to all platforms immediately. Afterwards we use the platform to schedule subsequent posts daily. Posts are also scheduled for specific days of events and as weekly reminders for followers.

Over the course of 2018 I worked with Attractions Magazine to significantly increase our social media engagement. From exclusive articles to more consistent posting, “clicks” to the website rose more than 1700% on Twitter! We also saw an increase in Facebook comments, Instagram likes, and pins on Pinterest.

Construction articles
Attractions Magazine has become known for theme park construction updates. I wrote every Disney and Universal construction update from September 2017 to December 2018, and continue to do most of the construction updates to this day. These construction article page views made up more than 220,000 of the 284,000 page views I brought to the website in 2018.

On site posting
In a perfect place, every article is pre-written and nothing comes as a surprise. Well thanks to an ever-growing world, with new things coming everyday, the job is never done.

Sometimes, time is of the essence and you have to make due with what you have.

Speaking of social media, you should follow along at @Attractions and @TharinWhite.